"Did you know the first farmers in the world can be traced back to areas of Turkey!"
Farmers markets... a place where farmers gather to sell their fresh products to the everyday public. The products found there are typically fruits vegetables and meats however in some occasions they sell freshly prepared foods and beverages. Farmers markets can be indoors or outdoors and usually consist of a gazebo a table and the farmers products. They attract a large crowd from all over.
Farmers Markets have always existed ever since mankind has farmed the land. The roots of farming began almost 10,000 years ago in areas of Turkey and the present day Middle East. Evidence suggests that the local people would take grasses and reeds and sow the seeds until eventually they began to properly cultivate and irrigate the land in what we would know as a proper farm. Initially people would farm the land simply to provide food for themselves and their families but eventually farming grew more intensive and farmers markets were born. Currency allowed people to sell their excess produce at the end of each harvest and often the farmers who were selling their farms produce would meet in the town square to sell their produce.